Chair of Advocacy

Curneisha Williams HeadshotCurneisha Williams, Harvard Graduate School of Education

Curneisha Williams is a former high school math teacher and current Masters student at Harvard Graduate School of Education. She acquired her Bachelor's in Economics from Wofford College where she participated in student government for three years, and served as Senior Class President. After Wofford, she went on to teach Algebra III and AP Calculus to eleventh and twelfth grade students in the Mississippi Delta. During that time, the state of education for low-income communities was a catalyst for her transition into policy.Before moving to Cambridge, she briefly worked for an executive networking firm as a Managing Associate working with Global Chief Diversity and Inclusion Officers of companies with revenues above $2 billion to increase inclusive practices within the workplace. As a student at Harvard, Curneisha's hope is to keep student's issues at the forefront of the university's mind, and advocate for a more inclusive campus. Though her post-graduate opportunities are not set in stone, Curneisha hopes to work in education policy on the state or federal level. As Chair of Advocacy, her hope is to leave a more HGC more accessible, organized and energized for change!


Past Chairs of Student Advocacy & Engagement (formerly Chair of Advocacy):